About VMRC

VMRC is client-server system (based on Web Services) to index and store Virtual Machine Images (VMI)

along with its metadata (OS, applications, etc.). It supports matchmaking to obtain the appropriate VMIs that satisfy a given set of hard (must) requirements and soft (should) requirements.

It is useful as a catalog of VMIs that can stored on the VMI repository systems of the different Cloud Management Platforms (such as OpenNebula or OpenStack) or on public Clouds (such as Amazon Web Services). This way, customized VMIs are indexed in VMRC and applications can query, as an example, for a VMI based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Java and Octave already installed.

Current version: 2.1.2

This repository only includes the VMRC server. Additional packages available in GitHub are:

The easiest and fastest way to deploy VMRC is using Docker: